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Steve Brown in his book said that: “Words are one of
the most poweful forces on earth. The problem is that
everybody uses them, but not always effectively
See what the uncommon book has say, “a word fitly
spoken is like apples of gold in pictures fo silver
Have you made a fool of yourself in a public speech?
Have you ever wondered what to say next in a
conversation with a friend or acquaintance? Have you
ever seen speakers sway a crowd and thought that you
would like to be able to do that? Have you ever
wondered why your words had no effect on the people
who heard them? Have you ever felt ignored in a
convesation, at a party or behind a podium? Have you
ever wished you could improved your speaking and
conversation skills? Have you ever given a report and
found that nobody understood your report or did't
care? Have you ever wished you could say things to
your employees that would motivate them toward more
efficient work, or wished you could say something to
your boss that would motivate him or her toward giving
you a raise?
If you have those wishes, this springs of wisdom
series is for you. It is a series about learning how
to talk. You only know how to do what you learn how
to do! As a man priviledged by the uncommon God to
develop his writing skill, I also craved for the
development of my speaking skill. I discovered that
talking is a vital raw material for success. Dumb
people seldom make impact. Impact is a direct product
of communication. With respect to my experience, I
have come to discover that the best way to learn to do
something is to first do it wrong, and I’ve done it
wrong a lot. Talking is the train that carries the
product to the market. The product may be the best
any industry has to offer, but if there is no
transportation to get it to the public, then the best
product in the world will remain on the shelves. We
never realise how important something really is until
we lose it. Language is one of the most important
gifts human beings possess. Aristotle Rhetoric once
said, “it is not sufficient to know what one ought to
say, but one must also know how to say it
Words Impact Blessing:
- Are you a Pastor? Are you a preacher? Are you a
Leader? It is very important that you affirm the
congregation or audience that you serve or lead. Too
many Pastors or preachers feel they have been sent to
a church to preach the wrath of God, to straighten out
the members, and to fix all the problems. The truth
is that God usually calls a Pastor to a church to love
its people and to tell them so. I am priviledged to
have learnt early in my life and ministry, a very
vital principle from an uncommon man of God. Dr.
David Oyedeop (my Uncommon Daddy) says, “make the
field green and the sheep will come feed. Make it
greener and ever green and they will come and lie
down. This is what I term the “green principle for
growth. If you must make your ways prosperous, you
must make your words ever green. The encouraging
words for example emanating from this piece can create
a turning point in a life of an individual. They can
make the difference between a man settling for a life
of obsecurity or reaching for greatness. As a very
young man just beginning to know what it is like to be
a man, when I think of people who have made a
difference in my life, I remember those who have used
their words to encourage, motivate, and affirm me.
Unfortunately such people are very few! You need to
search consciously for them. Uncommon Achievers speak
Uncommon words to produce Uncommon Realities. Jesus
the Uncommon Achiever says, “the words that I speak to
you are spirits and life Have you enjoyed this
Introductory series? Why not keep your arms crossed
as we draw from the ever flowing springs of wisdom.
The center for Creative Youth International, rich in
information and the soul of charity. Your partnership
will be greatly appreciated.
If you need further details/information on how you can
be involved contact me or send
a mail to creativeu2inter@yahoo.com This piece is
humbly dedicated to Bishop Dickson A. O.,
Bishop Owerri Diocese/Resident Pastor Living Faith
Church aka Winners Chapel Owerri, Imo State.
Uncommon Achievers believe that friendliness is a must
but friendship is a choice. Friendliness is
interaction along the line, while friendship is
interaction in the same “ship". Friendship is like
fellowship. Fellowship is “fellows" in the same
ship going in the same direction. Whatever carries
you into a prophetic company has implicated you for
the prophetic anointing.
Company affects destiny. Environment affects
achievement. Association affects accomplishment. The
right things happen in the right company. A good
company provokes the release of your potential. There
is a power of transformation in association. There is
betterment in good associations.
Uncommon Achievers believe that no matter how gifted
you are as a person, there are sometings you can't do
without some other people. Moses needed Aaron, Paul
needed Silas, Ruth needed Naomi, David needed
Jonathan, Elisha needed Elijah, Jesus needed the
disciples, God needed Jesus and Jesus in-turn needed
the Holy Spirit to perfect the works of Salvation in
mankind. You can't stand alone, you need someone!
True friendship is not for convience but conviction.
The best thing that can happen to a man is a right
friend. A thousand good friends can’t be enough, but
one bad friend is more than enough.
Association is either for your correction or your
corruption. Relationship is either raising you or
ruining you. Friendship is either making you or
destroying you. Your companions are either elevating
you or limiting you; they are either helping or
hurting you. Following after people not going
anywhere limits your destiny.
Six things you need to know about uncommon friendship.
1. Your friend is anyone heading in your desired
direction. - You share common goals,
interest, priorities and views.
2. Anyone who motivates and encourages you. - They
bring out the best out of your life.
3. Your friend is anyone who is distinguishing you -
multiplying your potential. -Anyone
not distinguishing you is extinguishing you. Anyone
who takes undue advantage of
you is not a friend.
4. Your friend in anyone genuinely interested in you.
Anyone managing or tolerating
you is not a friend. Dont' let anyone marry you out
of sympathy or pity, it only ends in
the pit of regrets.
5. Your friend is anyone genuinely interested in your
success. - Anyone intimidated by
your success is not a friend. - Anyone who engages in
un-healthy completition is not a friend.
6. Your friend is anyone who will stand with you in
all seasons of your life. - When
everyone run away from you, the ones running towards
you are your true friends.
Friendship is not by force, it is by choice. Never
allow anyone force himself/herself on you. Choose
your friends wisely. The destiny of every Uncommon
Achiever depends on Uncommon Friendship. Jesus the
Uncommon Achiever needed a company for impact, you
also need a company if you must impact your world
positively. Take a second look at the person
sitting next to you, he/she might hold the key to your
next level. You won't miss it.
I appreciate so much the words of John Wesley, he said “I am an arrow sent by God coming from eternity,
passing through time and returning to eternity and
hoping to arrive there safely.
Uncommon Achievers believe they are here on earth to
make an impact arrow-head impact. An arrow is
destined to hit a mark. An arrow is destined to
create impact and achieve an event.
You need to understand what it means to make an
impact. - Impact is a forceful impression, IMPACT is
leaving your footprint on the sands of time and
eternity. IMPACT is refusing to leave your generation
the way you met it. IMPACT is leaving your signature
on the pages of history. IMPACT is leaving your thumb
print on the document of time. IMPACT is existence
with influence and not existence with silence. IMPACT
is effective, effectual, efficient and eventful
living. IMPACT is the enforcement of change.
IMPACTFUL PEOPLE are Trail Blazers, pace setters,
world shakers, History makers, News makers, world
changers, and Revolutionary leaders. These are the
things that make Uncommon Achievers “Uncommon"
You need to make a decision for Impact
In other to make a mark, you must make a choice.
Destiny is not an accident, it is a product of a
calculated incident. Nothing happens on its own, all
things are made to happen. If you are in need of a
destination, you need a decision.
* Uncommon Achievers resolve not to be voiceless,
fearless, nameless, or be seen as a
mere statistical material. Even death is impossible
for a man who has willed or made a
decision to live. It takes a choice to have a
chance, when you are loaded, you will be needed.
With indifference, you cannot make a difference,
whenever you make a choice, the choice
makes you. To refuse to make a qualitative choice
today is to be established in an embarrasable
* A major sponsor for change is choice. Until you go
against tradition, you don't spark up a
revolution. Every Goliath is a path way to the
throne. If you are not against yourself, nothing
is against you. Life moves in the direction of your
* Decision has the capacity to sponsor motion. If
tomorrow does not concern you today,
tomorrow will become a concern. Thoughtlessness is a
major factor of uselessness. If
nothing concerns you today, tomorrow will be ful of
concerns. Be careful of where you
are going or else you won't like where you will end.
The desire to be like everybody is to
be a nobody.
As a youth, you need a decision (responsibility).
Middle age is execution age while old age is either
celebration or frustration age. Make your choice
today. Those who fear to grow old, watch them, they
never made a decision for impact in the days of their
Why Must I Decide for Impact?
1. You have only one life to live
2. Many destinies are hinged to your destiny
- If you miss road, many destinies will be ruined.
- Don't deprive your generation of what your
uncommon success will input into their lives.
3. Heaven cannot impact earth without you.
- You frustrate God, whenever you refuse to accept
- There is always what to do, to enjoy heavens
Jesus the Uncommon Achiever made a decision for impact
and today he is the saviour of the world. You need
this decision for you to salvage your generation. For
taking time to read this write up, you are already
implicated with the anointing for IMPACT. You won't
die before your time. You will be a sure impact to
your generation in Jesus name.
In the words of Bishop David Oyedepo, “Only Those who
make moves make waves and it's waves that make news
Uncommon Achievers understand the fact that,
destination must be certain for the required moves to
be made. Making the required moves is hinged on
Uncommon Achievers are visionary people. They are
people not burdened by ambition - people committed to
God's plan far above their own plans.
Uncommon Achievers succeed only in the things prepared
for them. They locate it and press into it. There is
a place prepared for you.
Vision is the of locating predetermined
destination - that is where “the blessings are
commanded. No human plan compares in value with God's
plan. When you wonder away from the place prepared
for you, you become naturally displaced.
Without vision, people are made naked where people
refuse divine guidance, they go wild. If all you live
for is what you want, you may die in want. But if all
you want is what he wants, you can never lack.
Uncommon Achievers are people walking in the center of
divine plans. Until you get on line with destiny, you
may die a destitute.
Uncommon Achievement is impossible without a walk in
divine plan. You might be asking the question,“How"
do I discover where I belong?
Three Fundamental Ways of Knowing where you belong:
1. Vision: Vision is locating from scriptures the
original working principle of your life. Vision is
the description of your destination in scriptural
details. Vision is locating God's ideal plan for your
life. Vision talks about a man's actual placement
in destiny. It is laying hold of God's word to
fashion out your world. Uncommon Achievers see God's
word as the pointer on th compass
of destiny - vision. Destiny cannot be maximised
outside vision. Vision is knowing what God
has finished in heaven and has programmed you to
begin on the earth. With vision, you grow
without having to groan. Get hooked to scriptures,
there in lies your actual future. Jesus was
an uncommon Achiever, he lived his life on “as it was written or “as it was spoken"
Vision is seeing and hearing what God has to say
concerning your future. You SEE by
consistently READING the word of God and you HEAR by
consistently MEDITATING on the
word of God. You will make it. It is your day!
2. A Discovery of Divine Endownment: It is one thing
to discover what God has for you, it is
another thing to know what to do, to get the job
done. Uncommon Achievers have come to
understand that God will only expect from us, what he
has loaded into us. The information you
are privileged to come in contact with, the
environment you have found yourself, the association
you find yourself, all points to the dominant
treasures in your system. Vision shows you the
end at the beginning. Divine endownment gives you
the map that leads you to its
accomplishment. Why not look inwards now.
3. Passion: This is something that constantly draws
your attention. Your passion is a pointer to
a problem you are created to solve. Passion is a
willingness to do. Passion is beyond decision
but an obsession. An obsession is conviction beyond
confusion. Passion draws you closer
to your destination passion is the fuel of your
desires and expectation. Passion talks about the
steps you take in life.
Vision shows you the end result, divine endownment
shows you the way, while passion takes you there. To
live without any of these three is signing yourself
over to stagnaction. Jesus the Uncommon Achiever
walked through this earth armed with these tools - you
need it if success is your choice.
Community Development Service Programme @ Government Secondary School Owerri
Facilitator: Daniel Olukayode Jacobs, 2003 Batch A
Corper IM/03/0515.
It is noticed almost in all sectors of our country
today that people who assume an office or position of
responsibility seldom change. They don't change and
consequently things don't change around them.
They still have the same dreams, the same problems,
the same methods, the same opportunities and the same
way of thinking. They are standing still in life.
They refuse learning. They stop educating
themselves, so their lives become stagnant. Stagnant
waters always stink.
African's have the mentality of arriving too soon.
Those who arrive too soon, arrive too small.
The biggest room God has made available to mankind is
the room of self improvement. After you've known it
all, it is what you learn that adds value to your
One way to continuously improve yourself and
grow without limits is by cultivating a reading
For Africa to leave the back seat and move forward,
she needs reputable leaders. It takes readers to have
In the next few weeks or months, I will be
sharing with you, 200 things you need to know
1. For every endeavour to find accomplishment in life,
it requires training.
2. A library is a place of encounter - personal
encounter with greater minds.
3. A library is a place of impact - books influence
your looks.
4. A library is a place of discipline - void of
5. Reading helps you locate your course in life -
without a right bearing, life becomes a burden.
6. Readers are leaders.
7. Readers become healers.
8. Reading terminates ignorance.
9. Reading impacts information - information is power.
10. Readers discover purpose - without purpose there
cannot be focus and without focus there cannot be
The library has the ability to remould your entire
destiny. You can only lead in what you read. When
you read engineering, you lead in the engineering
field. Be a committed Reader, and you are on your way
to becoming a distinguished leader.
The goal of this project is to ensure that the
libraries in the Secondary and Tartiary Insitution are
with great leadership books in other to expose
students to great leadership principles.
A leadership library is also hoped to be built. The
time has come to chase the “demon of ignorance“ out of our continent.
Bishop David Oyedepo, one of the uncommon Achievers of
our time once said,'Right words prepare you for
impact'. It stimulates action and ensures you arrive at your destination.
The difference between a WINNER and a LOSER is in the
quantity of words each are exposed to.
Postive words produce positive people.
Great words produce great people.
Kind words produce kind hearted people.
Words are forces; they leave a trace of destruction or
There is a miracle and blessing in your mouth.
Words are the coin of the kingdom.
Uncommon Achievers have come to understand that, we
all are a sum total of the words we are exposed to.
You can't be better than the words you pay attention
to -they are the raw material that moulds your
Whosever feeds you with the words of knowledge (either
through teaching, preaching, discussion or writing)
is a principal tool in the making of your destiny.
Watch what you listen to and say, and you will see
how great words will mould your world.
Jesus,the uncommom Achiever says,the words that I speak to you are spirit and life. In uncommon words
is life and the life is the light that lightens
men.Light is knowledge. Until you get the life, you
can't get the knowledge. The uncommon book
says,'Darkness shall cover the earth and gross
darkness the people. Darkness is the physical
paralysis of the activity of man. For the right comes when no man can work. At this point,man naturally goes to sleep.
activity. This is a state of mental blindness -
complete ignorance. Those who go to sleep at this
point end up losing value and colour. They become “mindless". Uncommon Achievers don't go to sleep at this point, they actually Arise!
In any area you suffer “Gross darkness“ignorance", you need the following to be FREE!
It is not enough to put food in your mouth, you need
to chew it! Meditation is the process of chewing or“eating the uncommon word to produce uncommon
results. Meditation leads you to understanding,
understanding generates faith while faith maturally
commands results. Meditation is pondering over the
uncommon words that you hear. Meditation is relating
your life in the spiritual with your situation in the
Uncommon Achievers have learnt the habit of reasoning
things out with the uncommon creator-God! Reasoning
is an act of coordinating your thought. If means
thinking. Meditation comes through Reading, Reasoning
comes through Thinking. Thinkers never think. If you
want to know a fool, sow a great idea in his mind. He
will never think it through. Nothing works until you
work it out. For example, are you faced with a
particular problem or challenge? Don't meditate on the problem. Locate from the Uncommon Book and other Uncommon books what it takes to be free. Meditation.
helps you locate the solution, Reasoning establishes
the solution, while the right words hastens its
manifestation. Watch out for the concluding part.
CCYI is out to see that through these Uncommon nuggets
in your hand, you cultivate the reading culture and
get yourself set for uncommon leadership that ensure
the FREEDOM of AFRICA in this 21st century. Why not
partner with us today. We are youthful and rich in
Uncommon Information!
Promoting Creativity and Excellence
Community Development Service Programme @ Government
Secondary School Owerri
Facilitator: Daniel Olukayode Jacobs, 2003 Batch A
Corper IM/03/0515.
When you stop learning, you start begging!.
Everything you know how to do, you learnt how to do
it. Only the well-informed get transformed. One
vital benefit of reading is information acquisition.
What is information?
I would like to humbly define information in the “reading context‚as the extracted facts from a book.
It takes facts to be fat!
Those who read for pleasure never learn how to handle
the pressures of life.
Only those with facts get marks. Those who play with
facts never grow in life.
Watch every star around you, they trade with facts.
Some read to locate errors, mistakes, and so many
other frivolous things. You only profit from a book
when you are in a passionate search for facts.
Only facts finders become path-finders. Fun seekers
always end up fault-finders.
It is not enough to be a reader, locating the facts
must be your number one goal.
You can only lead people as far as you have gone
yourself, but it takes facts for you to go far.
11. Those who read for pleasure never escape pressure.
12. When you stop reading, you stop leading.
13. Only committed searchers find!
14. You are either a fact-finder or a fault-finder
15. The secret of great men is often hidden in their
16. Books contain perfect knowledge from “imperfect men!
17. You behave the books you read.
18. Motivational books produce motivated people.
19. Read a book everyday!
20. Books inspire - if you are not inspired, you will
soon expire.
Don't just pick a book, read books that will infuse life into you. The ultimate aim of reading is
understanding! Knowledge is information. Wisdom is transformation. Understanding is the “Uncommon Linkâ₠between knowledge and wisdom.
Inspired Readers become Wise Leaders!
Operation read is a NYSC approved community
development project. The success of this project
will go a long way in preparing todays youths for the
challenges of tomorrows leadership and national
development. Your partnership in any form will be
highly appreciated.
Promoting Creativity and Excellence
Community Development Service Programme @ Government
Secondary School Owerri
Facilitator: Daniel Olukayode Jacobs, 2003 Batch A
Corper IM/03/0515.
When you stop thinking, you start stinking!. All
the actions you are taking today, you thought about
them yesterday. Accomplishment is a direct product of
proper reasoning.
What is Reasoning?
To aid our understanding, I would like to define
Reasoning as “the ability to come to a full
self-consciousness of the consequencies of the actions
you are planning to carry outâ€Â.
A proper evaluation of the end result will always
sensitize your mind on how to begin! Books aid
reasoning. Books give you the results obtained by
others who in time past ventured into what you are
thinking of doing.
Their failures reveals to you, the way of creativity,
while their successes lead you in the way of
excellence. Always remember that your attitude
towards reading is what delivers the right results.
Attitude has nothing to do with what you read, but how
you read what you read.
The Uncommon man once asked in the Uncommon book,
“how readest thou� Reasoning is thinking the
right way while reading the right book!
21. Nothing moves until you read it out!
22. Books influence the moves you make
23. Books impact inspiration!
24. No matter how gifted you are, how studious you are
is what determines how colourful you will become
25. Reading reproduces in your life other peoples
testmonies that you believe
26. Reading enables you to rub your ordinary mind with
greater minds
27. Mental development doesn’t come by accident.
28. Never travel without a book to read!
29. Every committed reader is a potential leader.
30. The spirit of men can be contacted through their
Readers with Understanding become Outstanding Leaders!
Operation read is a NYSC approved community
development project. The success of this project
will go a long way in preparing todays youths for the
challenges of tomorrows leadership and national
development. Your partnership in any form will be
highly appreciated. HURRAY! NYSC IS 30 YEARS
Steve Brown in his book said that: “Words are one of
the most poweful forces on earth. The problem is that
everybody uses them, but not always effective.
See what the uncommon book has say, “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures fo silver
Have you made a fool of yourself in a public speech?
Have you ever wondered what to say next in a
conversation with a friend or acquaintance? Have you
ever seen speakers sway a crowd and thought that you
would like to be able to do that? Have you ever
wondered why your words had no effect on the people
who heard them? Have you ever felt ignored in a
convesation, at a party or behind a podium? Have you
ever wished you could improved your speaking and
conversation skills? Have you ever given a report and
found that nobody understood your report or did’t
care? Have you ever wished you could say things to
your employees that would motivate them toward more
efficient work, or wished you could say something to
your boss that would motivate him or her toward giving
you a raise?
If you have those wishes, this springs of wisdom
series is for you. It is a series about learning how
to talk. You only know how to do what you learn how
to do! As a man priviledged by the uncommon God to
develop his writing skill, I also craved for the
development of my speaking skill. I discovered that
talking is a vital raw material for success. Dumb
people seldom make impact. Impact is a direct product
of communication. With respect to my experience, I
have come to discover that the best way to learn to do
something is to first do it wrong, and I’ve done it
wrong a lot. Talking is the train that carries the
product to the market. The product may be the best
any industry has to offer, but if there is no
transportation to get it to the public, then the best
product in the world will remain on the shelves. We
never realise how important something really is until
we lose it. Language is one of the most important
gifts human beings possess. Aristotle Rhetoric once
said,“it is not sufficient to know what one ought to
- Are you a Pastor? Are you a preacher? Are you a
Leader? It is very important that you affirm the
congregation or audience that you serve or lead. Too
many Pastors or preachers feel they have been sent to
a church to preach the wrath of God, to straighten out
the members, and to fix all the problems. The truth
is that God usually calls a Pastor to a church to love
its people and to tell them so. I am priviledged to
have learnt early in my life and ministry, a very
vital principle from an uncommon man of God. Dr.
David Oyedeop (my Uncommon Daddy) says, “make the
field green and the sheep will come feed. Make it
greener and ever green and they will come and lie
down. This is what I term the “green principle for
growth. If you must make your ways prosperous, you
must make your words ever green. The encouraging
words for example emanating from this piece can create
a turning point in a life of an individual. They can
make the difference between a man settling for a life
of obsecurity or reaching for greatness. As a very
young man just beginning to know what it is like to be
a man, when I think of people who have made a
difference in my life, I remember those who have used
their words to encourage, motivate, and affirm me.
Unfortunately such people are very few! You need to
search consciously for them. Uncommon Achievers speak
Uncommon words to produce Uncommon Realities. Jesus
the Uncommon Achiever says,“the words that I speak to
you are spirits and life. Have you enjoyed this
Introductory series? Why not keep your arms crossed
as we draw from the ever flowing springs of wisdom.
The center for Creative Youth International, rich in
information and the soul of charity. Your partnership
will be greatly appreciated.